Museums & Galleries

When we are providing historic textiles for Museums and Galleries we are mindful that these must stand up to a unique level of scrutiny; ensuring that design, colour and construction are all authentic is key to this success

Many of our historic textiles sit alongside some of the most important artistic and cultural works in museums and galleries across the globe. We have worked on projects extensively with the likes of London’s Victoria and Albert Museum, The National Portrait Gallery, as well as the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and the Gardiner Museum, Boston. We understand how to advise and collaborate with our clients to produce authentic reproductions of historic textiles.


We can undertake site visits, welcome conservators and research groups to our site in Sudbury, Suffolk and we also often work remotely to undertake projects. We can provide design and colour references over email and send final cuttings and qualities through the mail.

The specialist skills of our discerning sales and design staff have been integral to the successful delivery of historic textiles that perfectly embody true quality, but also reflect the significance of their surroundings. Our team enjoy the research associated with such projects and can draw from our own archive of colour and design when assisting with proposals.

Although many projects are custom dyed and woven to exact specifications; on occasion we have over weaves available to purchase from previous historic projects, which can be just the amount required to recover a chair or sofa. Please get in touch and we can provide guidance on available fabrics.

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